
I write notes for every lecture of the semester. I write them so I can refer to them at any point in the semester and immediately have the material refreshed in full detail. My notes should complement lecture slides and readings. I only write text notes, because visual aids can be found in these other subject resources. My PSYC20008 notes come as bullet points and with bold subheadings to differentiate topics. Each lecture has its own heading and date. I expect my notes to be at the quality of a paid notetaker. For PSYC20008, there are lectures for 22 of the 24 delivered in Semester 1 2015. 1 lecture was on SPSS so didn't need detailed notes beyond the lecture slides, and 1 lecture was virtually a repeat of an earlier one due to the lecturer being sick one day. I achieved my highest mark so far in my bachelor in PSYC20008: a 90% H1. I want to share my passion for this subject with you in these notes and hope they can help you achieve your potential. Under $2 a lecture... Get ahead this semester :D


Semester 1, 2015

38 pages

16,529 words



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