2010PSY Health Psychology Complete Course Notes
Subject notes for Griffith 2010PSY
I received a score of 6/7 for 2010PSY however, an important note to mention is that I only study for ~1 day for the final exam and these notes were the key to that success. Details: · Organized and detailed notes · Compilation of all lecture notes/book notes · Contain comprehensive diagrams · Attached at bottom of file are links to complete flashcards Examable Modules Covered: Module 1: Health Psychology and Health Behaviour Module 2: Explaining and Changing Health Behaviour Module 3: Stress, Coping, and Illness Topics covered: Topic 1: Health Definitions and Health Differentials Topic 2: Health-risk Behaviours Topic 3: Health-protective Behaviours Topic 4 and 5: Explaining Health Behaviour Topic 6 and 7: Changing Health Behaviour Topic 8: Symptom Perception and Seeking Help Topic 9: Theory and Moderators Topic 10: Impact of Illness on and Improving Quality of Life
Semester 2, 2024
27 pages
7,830 words
Griffith, Nathan
Member since
August 2023