
These notes are your ultimate guide to mastering the subject of 'Biotechnology and the Law.' These notes comprehensively cover every examinable topic and are designed to support you through all assessments, including assignments and take-home exams. With a meticulous yet accessible approach, these notes provide a step-by-step method for tackling exam questions, making complex material easy to navigate. The content in these notes are also tailored to help you formulate insightful responses during class discussions, making these notes an invaluable resource for both exam preparation and active participation. Topics include: - Law v Science - Mitochondrial Replacement - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) - Genetically Modified Food - Cloning & Embryonic Research - ‘Genetically Modifying’ Humans - Biotechnology in Human Reproduction (ART) - Genetic Diagnosis / Genetic Testing in Embryos - Genetic Resources


Semester 1, 2023

107 pages

35,100 words


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