*HD(88) PERFECT and CONSICE Scaffold for Corporations Law FINAL EXAM (LAWS2011/ LAWS5011)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2014
It is a CONCISE yet powerful Scaffold, hailed as the ULTIMATE ANSWER STRUCTURE for in-person exams. Condensing all crucial information into a 30-page nutshell, this scaffold served as the linchpin during my in-person final exam, enabling me to an impressive overall High Distinction (88%). BENEFITS - These notes provide you with order and structure in how you approach problem questions. - I promise you that these notes will the best set of notes that you will ever receive. I spent hundreds of hours perfecting these notes into these notes. Topics covered: 1. Introduction to Corporations Law 2. Corporate Fundraising: Debt and Equity 3. Corporate Personality 4. Insolvency 5. The Corporate Constitution and Decision-making Organs 6. Company Meetings 7. Corporate Contractual Liability in Contract, Tort and Criminal 8. Fiduciary Duty 9. Director’s duty (Conflicts of Interest, Related Party Transactions, Duty of Care) 10. Member’s rights and remedies
Semester 2, 2024
30 pages
20,608 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
September 2021
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