
These are extremely comprehensive LAWS2011/5011 Federal Constitutional Law Notes that can be used for the final exam (this is what I did). It includes all the key takeaways of cases and readings, so easy to follow during class and exams. All key points are highlighted and well organized by topics. I achieved an overall High Distinction (88%) in FedCon using these notes - they are the BEST that includes every important cases and quote, SUPER USEFUL for exams. Topics covered: Topic A: Principles of Constitutional Law/ Trade & Commerce Power Topic B: Inconsistency Topic C: External Affairs Power Topic D: Corporations Power Topic E: Freedom of Interstate Trade Topic F: Taxation and Grants Topic G: Defence Power Topic H: Implied Freedom of Political Communication Topic I: Intergovernmental Immunities


Semester 1, 2024

138 pages

52,526 words



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