TOP 10% HD IMM3042 Exam Notes
Subject notes for Monash IMM3042
LIFE SAVER NOTES - TOP 10% HD study notes These notes are your ticket to acing IMM3042! I have completed IMM2011, 2022 and 3031 (achieving HDs across the board), so rest assured these notes are detailed. These notes are a comprehensive summary of each week to help you get on track or revise each topic without missing a section. The themes, weeks, and topics have been outlined for you to make it easy to find each section. Topics include: Week 1 - part 1, 2, and 3 - Helminth parasites and the immune system, Malaria; immunity and immune evasion mechanisms, Tuberculosis immune evasion and immunopathology Week 2 - part 1 and 2 - Influenza virus infection - CD8+ T cell responses and SARS-CoV2 pandemic Week 3 - part 1, 2, and 3 - Allergic disease; immune mechanisms and diagnosis, Allergen immunotherapy, and The microbiome in allergy and inflammation Week 4 - part 1 and 2 - The inflammasome in immunity and disease and The Immune system and metabolic disease Week 5 - Suppressing the immune system; Autoimmunity and transplantation Week 6 - part 1, 2, and 3 - Multiple Sclerosis – immunopathogenesis, Immunopathogenesis of Type 1 diabetes, and Overview of transplantation and treating T1D by islet transplantation Week 8 - part 1, 2, and 3 - Introduction to tumour immunology: The immune system vs cancer, Transcriptional regulation of lymphoid malignancies, Transcriptional regulation of myeloid malignancies Week 9 - part 1 and 2 - Helicobacter pylori, inflammation, and gastric cancer, and Immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer Week 10 - part 1 and 2 - Immunodeficiencies diseases I and Primary immunodeficiencies Week 11 - part 1, 2, and 3 - Primary immunodeficiencies, Immunopathogenesis of HIV infection, and Emerging immunotherapies for the treatment of UTIs, Vaccination
Semester 2, 2023
83 pages
27,641 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
June 2022