
Infographic notes for POLS1701, containing all relevant information in an easy-to-digest and memorise format, perfect for exam revision. Notes cover every week of content including pre-readings. Topics include; - Introduction and Mainstream Ideas of Development - Modernisation Theory - Critical Ideas - Dependency Theory - Colonialism - Post-Colonial Development - Post-Colonial Strategies - Post-Colonial Timeline - Debt and Power - Debt Conditionality - Resources and Extractive Industries - Neoliberalism - Neoliberalism Outcomes and Responses to Crises - Microfinance - Gendered Development - Migration, Gender and Remittance - War and Development - Conflict Legacies - International Intervention and Humanitarianism - Development as a Solution to War - Securitisation


Semester 1, 2024

27 pages

7,637 words


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