
ADVANTAGES OF NOTES - Notes cover every examinable topic for the College of Law Practical Legal Training Civil Litigation oral assessment (including the tasks that are required to be submitted prior to the oral). - Notes are broken down by task (to follow the style and order of questioning in oral assessment). - Notes can be used to assist you when responding to questions asked by assessor in oral. - Notes include comments based on feedback from lecturers on activity submissions and the practice papers supplied by the College of Law. TOPICS COVERED IN NOTES Reflection on learning Task 1: Assessing the merits of a case & Drafting an initial letter of advice & Drafting pleadings - Steps in litigation - Proof making model - Costing in litigation matter - Costs orders - Assessing costs - Letter of advice - Writs Task 2: Drafting court documents for an interlocutory application & Preparing oral submissions & Representing a client in an interlocutory application - Guide to preparing submissions - Guide to writing submissions - Oral submissions Task 3: Enforcing a judgement - Enforcement process Example Questions


Semester 1, 2024

21 pages

18,000 words



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