*HD NOTES (83)* PLT Commercial and Corporate — Oral Exam Assessment Notes (Comprehensive, Concise + Practice Questions)
Subject notes for USYD College of Law
ADVANTAGES OF NOTES - Notes cover every examinable topic for the College of Law Practical Legal Training Commercial and Corporate oral assessment (including the tasks that are required to be submitted prior to the oral). - Notes are broken down by task (to follow the style and order of questioning in oral assessment). - You can simply just read from these notes when responding to questions asked by assessor. - Notes include comments based on feedback from lecturers on activity submissions and the practice papers supplied by the College of Law. TOPICS COVERED IN NOTES - Reflection on learning - Task 1: Advising a vendor ob the sale of business - Ways to sell a business - Type of contracts - Seller vs vendors lawyer - Buyer vs purchaser lawyer - Caveat emptor - Drafting contract - Goodwill - Restraints of trade - Stock in trade - Standard contracts - Conditions - Key documents - Pre-settlement - Post settlement - Task 2: Advising a purchaser on the purchase of business - Due diligence - Security interests - Settlement statements - Personal property - PPSR - Advising on tax - Task 3: Setting up business structrues - Limited liability - Trusts - Equity vs debt financing - Loans - Relevant ASCR Sections - Sample Questions (contained with each topic)
Semester 1, 2024
17 pages
5,500 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2024
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