
BENEFITS - These notes provide you with order and structure in how you approach problem questions. - You can just copy the notes into your responses (or do some minor re-tweaking) and then apply your facts in sections that are highlighted. It really makes it that simple. - I promise you that these notes will the best set of notes that you will ever receive. I spent hundreds of hours perfecting these notes into these notes. LEGEND - Light Blue = Answer Structure - Pink = Case Names - Red / Bold = Anything Key to Note Topics covered: Topic A: Principles of Constitutional Law/ Trade & Commerce Power Topic B: Inconsistency Topic C: External Affairs Power Topic D: Corporations Power Topic E: Freedom of Interstate Trade Topic F: Taxation and Grants Topic G: Defence Power Topic H: Implied Freedom of Political Communication Topic I: Intergovernmental Immunities


Semester 1, 2024

46 pages

24,237 words



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