COMPREHENSIVE laws3412 notes + readings + statute (HD - 89)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS3412
Full set of notes that are EXTREMELY comprehensive with integrated scaffolds which are perfect for the exams (you won't even need the textbook). These notes are all I used for all the exams. I ended up with a final mark of 89. Benefits of my notes: - FULL statutory excerpts from the reading guide have been included (see green boxes). This means you won't even need to look up the legislation - I have also italicised commentary and extra nuanced points where necessary - Detailed case summaries - 150+ pages of notes List of topics: 1. Introduction 2. Concepts of Income 3. Capital Gains Tax 4. Compensation and periodic receipts 5. Income from Services 6. Fringe Benefits Tax 7. Business Income 8. Deductions: Limbs and Relevance 9. Deductions: Trading Stock 10. Deductions: Capital / Revenue Distinction 11. Alternative debt recovery 12. Partnership taxation 13. Company taxation 14. Trusts taxation 15. GST 16. Tax Administration I've included as the sample some notes from Topic 3 about Capital Gains Tax as I think this is the most important and most assessed areas from the unit. Goodluck!!
Semester 1, 2023
150 pages
58,312 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2019