COMPREHENSIVE laws2013 notes + readings + statute (D - 84)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2013
Full set of notes that are EXTREMELY comprehensive. They include ALL readings and ALL statutory excerpts from the reading guide. These are perfect to help you study for essay components in the final exam especially. Benefits of my notes - All readings have been done and included (see white and yellow boxes) - All statute has been included (see green boxes) - Detailed case summaries - 150+ pages of notes with 70,000+ words You wont be disappointed! List of topics 1(a) introduction to critical thinking and ethical obligations 1(b) legal culture and approaches to legal ethics and professional responsibility 2(a) law practice management, managing legal work and mental health 2(b) diversity and the role of lawyers 3(a) legal needs, access to justice and delivery of legal services in australia 3(b) the regulatory framework in australia 4(a) legal education – pre and post admission to the profession i 4(b) legal education – pre and post admission to the profession ii 6(a) communication and interviewing 6(b) duties to the court and administration of justice 7(a) duties of representation and the lawyer-client relationship 7(b) confidentiality and client legal privilege 8(a) conflicts of interest 9(b) duties in specific areas of practice: criminal context 10(a) duties in specific areas of practice 10(b) competence, liability and immunity 11(a) complaints and discipline 11(b) complaints and disciplines Goodluck!!
Semester 1, 2022
158 pages
70,227 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2019