
Comprehensive and detailed exam notes with script — separated into commonwealth & state :) Notes are detailed enough to allow for easy understanding while still being succinct in order to allow for quick navigation in an exam setting. CASE SUMMARIES INCLUDED! The script is designed for minimal stress and thinking on your feet while in the exam! Colour coded by topic to make for easy navigation, these notes include: - table of contents - issue spotting tips - clear cover pages to separate notes by topic / organise notes in a way that make sense for exam responses - case examples / comparisons embedded within the script TOPICS INCLUDED (STATE): - Power to legislation (manner & form provisions) - Implied limitations (Cth Intergovernmental Immunity from State; State separation of judicial power; Implied freedom of political communication) - Express limitations (Freedom of interstate trade and commerce: s 92; Inconsistency: s 109) TOPICS INCLUDED (CTH): - Power to legislation (Valid HOP (general); External affairs: s 51(xxix); Corporations power: s 51(xx); Financial powers: ss 96, 81 and 83) - Implied limitations (State Intergovernmental Immunity from Cth; Implied freedom of political communication; Implied right to vote; Separation of judicial power from Cth) - Express limitations (Freedom of interstate trade and commerce: s 92; Inconsistency: s 109; Freedom of religion)


Semester 1, 2021

104 pages

70,000 words



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