
Comprehensive and detailed exam notes with script, compiled from lectures, readings and tutorials. Notes are detailed enough to allow for easy understanding, with key information/scripts highlighted to allow for quick navigation in an exam setting. Exam scripts are generally included in the colourful text boxes, with background information / case comparisons / facts to insert listed below. CLEAR CASE SUMMARIES FOR ALL CASES ON THE READING GUIDE! The script is designed for minimal stress and thinking on your feet while in the exam, by: - Providing introductory sentence structures - Including dot points with different case and fact examples, as well as scenarios dealt with in tutorials - Background information where required & relevant tests/questions to ask - Overview of steps/content at the beginning of topics where necessary Colour coded by topic to make for easy navigation in the exam. Topics include: - Introduction (week 1 content/overview) - Jurisdiction - Standing - Reasons - Grounds of Review - Remedies - Privative Clauses - Merits Review NB: Cohorts for admin law exams are generally given a piece of fictional legislation to use in the exam — examples of the legislation I personally used are included in pink throughout the script! Simply sub this out for your own legislation where relevant :)


Semester 1, 2022

115 pages

30,000 words



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