
Comprehensive and detailed exam script. Notes are detailed enough to allow for easy understanding while still being succinct in order to allow for quick navigation in an exam setting. These notes helped me achieve a final score of 81 in the unit with literally no study beforehand. Topics include: - Non Physical Interference (Assault in the strict sense) - Physical Interference (Battery) - Statutory Offences (Intent + Recklessness + Negligence + Endangerment + Stalking) - Sexual offences (Rape + Rape by compelling sexual penetration + Sexual assault + Sexual assault by compelling sexual touching + Threat to commit a sexual offence) - Homocide (CL murder + Constructive murder + CL murder + UDA + Negligent manslaughter + driving offences) - Defences


Semester 1, 2021

68 pages

60,000 words



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