
This scaffold tells you everything you need to know for the Fed Con final exam, nothing more and nothing less. It does not include material from before the mid-semester as that was not examinable. I brought this document into the exam and hit all the key issues. It is structured as follows: 1. Preliminary Matters Begin each question with this material, depending on whether it deals with a Commonwealth or a state law (states have plenary power, Cth is restricted by heads of power in s 51). 2. Heads of Power Taxation power, excise power (brief), defence power and race power. 3. Prohibitions Freedom of interstate trade (s 92), implied freedom of political communication, intergovernmental immunities, doctrine from the Communist Party Case ( constitutional facts). The scaffold includes the ratio of all cases from the reading guide, including relevant pinpoints and Justices (important for this subject). It also includes the constitutional provisions for reference.


Semester 1, 2023

16 pages

4,983 words



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