
Detailed notes including all relevant case law (pink) and legislative provisions (green) to assist you in preparing for your Prop A assessments and exam!! Good luck <3 Includes • detailed notes on the basic concepts and fundamental principles of property law • step by step instructions for the more complex topics such as the doctrine of fixtures, adverse possession and acquisition of equitable interests • bonus detailed case summaries!! Topic list 1. The concept of property 2. Fragmentation of proprietary interests 3. An introduction to title to land 4. An introduction to legal and equitable interests in land 5. The doctrine of tenure and estates; life estates 6. The doctrine of relativity of titles; adverse possession 7. Acquisition and transfer of proprietary interests; sale and gift of property 8. Leasehold estates 9. Creation of leasehold interests 10. The borderline between contract and property: contractual licences 11. Easements - Servitude interests 12. Restrictive covenants 13. Security interests - mortgages


Semester 2, 2023

119 pages

32,578 words



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