HD (82) HPS432 Notes
Subject notes for Deakin HPS432
-includes comprehensive summary of all modules week 1-10 (there was no week 11) -perfect resource for open book multiple choice exam to find answers (**scored 80% on exam using these notes**) -modules broken down into core learning objectives (clearly marked with *) which compose the examinable content -includes all relevant content needed for each assignment and the exam (plus additional notes from all of the modules’ practice exam questions) Topics covered in modules: MODULE 1: Reviewing literature and levels of evidence MODULE 2: Starting a systematic review: formulating a research question MODULE 3: Putting together a search strategy and writing a systematic review protocol MODULE 4: Executing the systematic review protocol (finding and sorting through studies) MODULE 5: Preparing a PRISMA flowchart and Assessing Bias MODULE 6: Introduction to meta-analysis MODULE 7: Understanding heterogeneity, assessing publication bias and writing up a systematic review MODULE 8: More on effect sizes and a brief look at meta-analyses not examining interventions MODULE 9: Wrapping up: meta-regression, PRISMA guidelines, and assessing meta-analyses MODULE 10: Why are systematic reviews and meta-analyses so important? Good luck with the unit!
Trimester 1, 2023
40 pages
12,866 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
October 2022