HD notes - MLL114 Criminal Law
Subject notes for Deakin MLL114
- Fundamentals Concepts in Criminal Law - Requirements for criminal liability - Criminal Liability - Actus reus elements of unlawful homicide and murder - Actus reus of unlawful homicide offences: The elements of voluntary act or omission and death - Causation - Murder Week 3 - Manslaughter - The death of Joe Strathmore - Manslaughter by an unlawful and dangerous act - Manslaughter by criminal negligence and driving offences causing death or serious injury Culpable Driving Causing Death (s 318) Dangerous Driving Causing Death (s 319) Week 4: Assault - Case Study: Lickety Splitz - Common Law Assault - Statutory Asssault Week 5: Sexual Offences - Statutory evolution of rape - Conduct and Intention elements - Consent & Reasonable Belief - Stealthing, Stalking, Intimate Image Offence and Sexual Offences Against Children Week 6: Theft and Deception - Property belonging to another - Financial Advantage Element (s 82) - Apportionment and obtains elements - Intention to permanently deprive - Dishonesty and deception elements Week 7: Robbery, Burglary, and Strict Liability - Robbery - Burglary - Strict liability and absolute liability offences Week 8: Inchoate Offences - Attempt - Incitement - Conspiracy - Mistakes of Law and Fact Week 9: Complicity - Establishing Liability via Complicity - Terminology - Statutory Complicity - Innocent Agents - Withdrawal Week 10: Defenses - Self-defense - Duress and Marital Coercion - Sudden and Extraordinary Emergency (Necessity) - Mental Impairment - Intoxication - Automatism
Trimester 1, 2022
135 pages
21,827 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
March 2016