
Week 1 - Commencement of Proceedings: Introduction - Commencement of Proceedings: Originating Process - Vexatious Proceedings & Vexatious Litigants - Special Indorsement: a Statement of Claim - Writ (form 5A) - Originating Motion Week 2 - Introduction to Service - Personal Service - Exceptions - Ordinary Service - Service out of Jurisdiction - Other Matters Week 3 - Introduction - Appearance (Order 8) - Types of Appearance - Filing an Appearance - Rules for Appearance Week 4 - Introduction - Joinder of Parties (Order 9) - Joining Defendants and Plaintiffs - Joinder of Claims - Group Proceedings - Class Actions Week 5 - Introduction - Object of Pleadings - Content of Pleadings - Content of Pleadings: Statement of Claim - Particulars - Particulars (cont.) - Defence - Amending a Pleading - Striking Out and Close of Pleadings Week 6 - Introduction - Compliance Issues - Application to Set Aside - Amendment - Statement of Claim - Mistake in the Name of a Party Week 7 - Introduction - Documentary Discovery - Order for Particular Discovery - Discovery from a Non-Party - Discovery before suit - Interrogatories - Oral Discovery - Inspection and Preservation of Property Week 8 - Introduction - Jurisdiction to Award Costs - Types of Costs and their functions - Problematic winners - Security for Costs - Assessment of Costs Week 9 - Introduction - The Trial - Separate Issues - Reopening a case - Verdict and Judgment - Summary Disposition - Summary Disposition (cont.) - Striking Out - Dismissal and Discontinuance Week 10 - Introduction - Seizure and Sale of a Defendant’s Assets - Enforcing Money Judgements - Non-Money Judgements - Charging Orders Week 11 - ADR


Trimester 3, 2022

390 pages

81,803 words



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