
This notes provide a detailed scaffold for each examinable topics in Constitutional law. These scaffolds were structured in ILAC format for clarity, and written in color code for quick referrence. This notes is a comprehensive summary for all the relevant authorities, but it is more than a compilation of lecture notes ! This notes include potential arguments for the relevant topic, which may be directly applied to your exam questions, or may inspire you to develop your own arguments. The arguments in the notes are either approved by seminar leader or are based on seminar leader's advice for solving problem questions. The topics covered in the notes are listed as follows: Characterization tests External affairs power Corporation power Judicial power Nationhood power Freedom of political communication Discrimination based on interstate residence Freedom of religion Acquisition on just terms Right to trial by jury Inconsistency Intergovernmental immunity


Semester 1, 2023

29 pages

3,000 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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February 2021