
This set of notes included all relevant readings and cases, COLOUR CODED, COMPREHENSIVE, and CLEARLY WRITTEN. Very useful in exams, mid-terms and especially in class for participation. Cases are organised with facts, procedural history, judgement, outcome, and significance. Lecture notes and summaries from a fantastic lecturer are also included for deeper understanding and quick reference in the final exam. I ended up receiving a distinction mark for my final exam using this set of notes :) The relevant textbooks: - Robertson & Paterson, Contract: Cases and Materials (14th ed, Thomson Reuters, 2020) (the Casebook) - Robertson & Paterson, Principles of Contract Law (6th ed, Thomson Reuters, 2020) (the Textbook) The topics included: - Express terms - Implied terms - Termination (by agreement, by breach, repudiation) - Frustration - Damages for breach of contract (expectation damages, rectification, loss of a chance) - Vitiating factors (Recission, misrepresentation, mistake, undue influence, misleading or deceptive conduct, duress, unconscionable dealing, unconscionable conduct)


Term 1, 2023

155 pages

54,216 words



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