
Ranked in the first few highest spots in the cohort using these notes! Contains a synthesis of: Lecture notes, tips and extra information from lecturers and tutors, online modules, and integrates main points from recommended readings. Together these comprehensive notes have equipped me to achieve a High Distinction as it shows an in-depth mastery of a wide range of Industrial Relation and Policy concepts and being up to date with policy related news. I often include source names in the notes so you can demonstrate you are well read when giving written responses, being well read is crucial for pushing you to a higher mark band and standing out in the cohort. My notes are highly detailed and organised by the content week (easy for referring back to during quizzes, assignments, and exams): Week 1 Introduction to Industrial Relations Policy and Processes Week 2 Work and industrial relations today: What are the problems? Week 3 The state: What can and should governments do? Week 4 How did we get here? What has policy been about in Australia? Week 5 What is 'Fair Work' trying to achieve? Week 6 The union 'problem' Week 7 Work and family Week 8 Skills and immigration Week 9 Productivity Week 11 Future industrial relations policy Week 12 Overview and exam primer Contains the following readings: • Multiple Chapter Summaries from Core Course Textbook: Keith Hancock and Russell D Lansbury (eds, 2016). Industrial Relations Reform: Looking to the Future. The Federation Press, Leichhardt. •Clibborn, S.(2020) ‘Australian industrial relations in 2019: The year wage theft went mainstream’. Journal of Industrial Relations,62(3): 331–340. •Kaine, S. (2020) ‘Australian industrial relations and COVID-19’,Journal of Australian Political Economy, 85: 130-137 •(Hyman, 2008). 7 instances of state involvement in IR  Hancock 2016  •Befort & Budd (2020)  •Julia Gillard foreword published in journal of industrial relations – 2009 •Forward with fairness (Cooper, 2009) •Befort and Budd (2009) •Bray & Stewart (2013) •The declining power & agency of migrant labour in UAs (Wright & Clibborn, 2020)  •How economics explains failure of the publicity funded privately delivered training market (Toner, 2018) •Peetz, D., Colley, L. and Nolan, R. (2020) ‘The shock doctrine and industrial relations’ Journal of Australian Political Economy,85: 138-46. •Markey, R.(2020)‘The impact of the COVID-19 virus on industrial relations’, Journal of Australian Political Economy,85: 147-54. •Keating, (1994) Working Nation: The White Paper on Employment and Growth. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra (Preamble and Chapter 1: Introduction)  •Befort, S. and Budd, J. (2009), Invisible Hands, Invisible Objectives.


Semester 2, 2020

96 pages

34,304 words


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