Subject notes for Adelaide LAW 2504
This Exam summary was for Admin Law as taught in Semester 1 of 2022. I got a 92 HD overall for the course. It covers the following topics and provides a succinct and step-by-step systematic framework/checklist for a student to go through for the exam questions; INTERNAL REVIEW AND MERIT REVIEW: STEPS, PROCESS AND COMMENTARY - PAGES 1-11 DELEGATED LEGISLATION: STEPS, PROCESS AND COMMENTARY – PAGES 10 & 12-16 JUDICIAL REVIEW: STEPS, PROCESS AND COMMENTARY – PAGES 17 – 38 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (SA): STEPS, PROCESS AND COMMENTARY – PAGES 39 – 46 GENERAL COMMENTARY ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION – PAGE 47 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (CTH): STEPS, PROCESS AND COMMENTARY – PAGES 48 – 69 BROADER DISCUSSION AND COMMENTARY FOR EXAM QUESTIONS – PAGES 70 – 82 Each section sets out the legislative rules and/or case law commentary for each aspect, as well as the exceptions to the rules and the elements of each cause of action or area of law. (Judicial Review > Standing/Jurisdiction > Justiciability > Grounds for Review > Whether Error goes to Jurisdiction ( is it material) etc.) I do apologise that this document is somewhat lengthy - but it GENUINELY covers every single step and process, with commentary and provides the student with essentially 'what to say' for each of those steps. It's what helped me get such a high grade in a subject that is both difficult and covers a massive range of legislation & issues. As a courtesy for considering to download this document, I will make the first 11 pages (on Internal and Merits review) free (see preview) - just to give individuals a taste of what the summary is like to navigate etc.
Semester 1, 2022
82 pages
26,000 words
Adelaide, North Terrace
Member since
March 2020
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