
These extremely high quality Resolving Civil Dispute notes are thorough yet succinct, beautifully formatted and break down complex topics in a way that is easy to understand. These notes are ideal to have for your exam. These RCD notes include: - Helpful diagrams that break down topics/concepts - A scaffold to map out your exam - Succinct case summarise which extract the most important concepts from each case - All relevant extracts of legislation - Easy-to-understand summaries of topics - High quality formatting The following topics are covered in these notes: - Scaffold to map out exam response - Introduction to Litigation - Case Management - Costs - Security for Costs - Freezing and Search Orders + Limitation Periods - Client Legal Privilege, loss of client legal privilege - Pleadings - Standing, Res Judicata & Anshun Estoppel - Causes of Action and Parties - Service - Discovery - Implied Undertakings - Subpoenas - Witness Preparation and Affidavits - Summary Disposal - Appeal, Enforcement and Execution of judgment - Offers of Compromise and Calderbank Letters - Policy/Essay Notes (case management, costs, client legal privilege, funding litigation, commercialisation of the legal profession, discovery, discovery + tech, tech + dispute resolution)


Term 2, 2019

56 pages

29,573 words



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