
These high quality and beautifully formatted IP2 notes break down the concepts very thoroughly using succinct case summaries, visuals and diagrams. I received a High Distinction for this course, and now work as a lawyer specialising in IP, where I still use these notes to this day! I created these notes as a notetaker for a student with disabilities at the time, so you can be assured that these are very high quality. These notes include every topic covered in IP2, and they are organised per class: - Introduction to Trade Marks and Protection of Trade Mark Reputation; Passing Off and Consumer Protection Legislation - Introduction to Registered Trade Mark Law - Registered Trade Mark Law: Distinctiveness - Registered Trade Mark Law: Other Absolute Grounds of Refusal; Relative Grounds of Refusal, Relative Grounds of Refusal - Registered Trade Mark Law: Deceptive Similarity, other Absolute Grounds of Refusal - Registered Trade Mark Law: Infringement - Patent Law: Obtaining a Standard Patent - Patent Law: Manner of Manufacture, Biotechnology inventions - Patent Law: Novelty & Inventive Step - Patent Law: Utility, Secret Use and Disclosure and Claiming Requirements - Patent Law: Ownership, Exploitation, and Patent Infringement - Patent Law: Infringement


Term 3, 2019

91 pages

42,916 words



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