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These notes are concise, comprehensive and hypo streamlined. In many key areas, they have been reconstituted for ease of understanding. For example, in the FREE sample, you will see that I've placed all the CCA provisions for exclusive dealing into one table to help you navigate the provision. Only HALF the exclusive dealing table is in the FREE sample. The FREE sample also includes a mind map for you to follow for concerted practice/anti-competitive agreements. Though the exclusive dealing table is by far the most significant, there are other smaller tables to visualise your understanding. These notes, including making these kinds of tables, took me a whole week to make in SWOTVAC. At many points in the notes, there will useful non-optional tips telling you to 'CONSIDER' or 'NOTE'. These notations are the issues that may give you marks for discussion in the exam. I have also done the work to go through all of the ACCC guidelines with all the factors that they consider in each relevant inquiry. This is not expressly provided for in the curriculum but is extremely helpful for your analysis in the exam. At other points I've placed case facts for you to analogise to in the exam (eg. Castlemaine Tooheys:...). Contact me if you've purchased the notes and wish to have the editable versions of any of the tables that are inside and I'll be happy to give you the word document so you can make your own edits. Topics include: Market definition test, market power, SLC, Mergers, Misuse of Market Power, Horizontal Restraints (Cartel, Concerted Practice, Anti-competitive agreements), Vertical Restraints (Exclusive dealing, RPM), Exempting Conduct (Authorisation, Notification), Breach and Enforcement, Immunity.


Semester 1, 2021

15 pages

5,406 words



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