
Integrated Marketing Communications summarised lecture notes These notes helped carry me through the weekly quizzes and both major assignments. These notes are broken into weekly lecture summaries with learning objectives as sub-headings to break up the content. Lecture 1: Introduction to IMC Lecture 2: Gaining Consumer Insights Lecture 3: Brand Positioning Lecture 4: Media Strategies in Advertising Lecture 5: Strategies in Advertising: Direct, Digital & Social Lecture 6: Creative Strategies & Execution Part 1 Lecture 7: Creative Strategies & Execution Part 2 Lecture 8: Buzz and Viral Marketing Lecture 9: Public Relations, Corporate Reputation & Sponsorship Lecture 10: Personal Selling, Sales Promotion & Direct Marketing Lecture 11: No Lecture Lecture 12: Advertising testing and Campaign tracking


Semester 2, 2021

21 pages

8,897 words


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