
The DETAILED Basic Econometrics notes provide you with a very comprehensive understanding of the subject and are carefully edited when I'm revising for my final exam. Topics covered: - Basic linear model - BLM statistical - Hypothesis testing - Model specification - Dummy variables - Heteroskedasticity - Autocorrelation - Time series - Stochastic regressors - Panel data - Non-linear models - Binary outcomes 💯The notes explain numerous concepts in great detail and include many step-by-step calculation/explanation/interpretation examples that are extremely helpful to solve exam-type or assignment questions. 💯Especially for the interpretations, I have included important points that you must cover when answering questions. 💯The notes are color-coded to help you better see the structure of important concepts. 💯Very easy to read and follow as they are clearly divided by lectures and up to date (after completing all the tutorials and lectures). Good luck with your studies!


Semester 1, 2021

52 pages

10,566 words



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