PHTY5206 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Revision Note
Subject notes for USYD PHTY5206
- Topics from all weeks and lectures are covered: Week 1: Incorporating natural history into prognosis and how often should I see this patient? / Adherence / Joint Hypermobility: What, how, why & managing it / The Thoracic Spine Week 2: Diagnostic imaging in musculoskeletal physiotherapy – Clinical practice focus / Assessment/intervention: Peripheral neuropathies Week 3: Post-operative rehabilitation – Joint replacements and surgical procedures of the spine / Post-operative rehabilitation – soft tissue and fracture surgery Week 4: Biomechanics of exercise prescription Part 1 / Biomechanics of joint load reduction Week 5: Clinical Biomechanics of load reduction / Soft tissue stretching – using the evidence in rehab and prevention Week 6: Understanding the appropriate use of medicines – Pharmacology for pain control, understanding the appropriate use of medicines / Pharmacology in the physiotherapy management for MSK conditions / Evidence-based Practice – Statistical power, Effect Size, Sample Size calculation, subgroup analyses / Evidence-based practice – Clinical prediction rules - Lecture, tutorial and reading contents are summarized in the notes in addition with self-researches - Case study and evidence study are also included with relevant descriptions, interpretations and implications - There are personal insights at the end of each of the week to emphasize the important components of that lecture where you can focus more on - The notes are combined with words, colours and figures which are in great detail and comprehensive to help you achieve an HD
Semester 1, 2021
163 pages
50,162 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
July 2019
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