
These notes include some hand-drawn images and information about the following content; Major Crops of SE Australia Agroecological Cropping Zones Cropping regions Grain farms vs horticultural Why do cropping systems vary? Advantages and disadvantages of conservation farming Strategic return to conventional farming Seed structure Pre-sowing decisions Fallow Crop and cultivar selection Germination Dry seed to growth of roots and shoots Stages of germination – examples Factors that affect germination Sowing considerations Seed size Sowing depth Row spacing Seed and fertiliser placement What is establishment? Why is establishment important? Plant density and yield Target plant density Growth vs. development Formation of plant parts Vegetative structures Canola, wheat and faba bean Vegetative growth Tillering Vegetative crop growth – diagram Early Vigour Floral initiation Determinate vs indeterminate growth Flowering in wheat Wheat inflorescence Yield and wheat Grazing crops – dual purpose crops Canola and Faba bean Environmental factors of reproductive growth Vernalisation Thermal time Photoperiod Importance of flowering time Grain filling Sources and sinks Effect of drought Nitrogen sources Sources of assimilates for canola Sources of assimilates for Faba bean Grain filling and drought Haying off What is full cover? Importance of full cover Light interception Light Interception factors Interspecific competition When is full cover not desirable? Nutrients and growth Essential nutrients Nutrient availability Maintaining sufficient nutrients Importance of nitrogen Timing of nitrogen supply Nitrogen balances in a crop Sources of nitrogen Nitrogen cycle: fate of ammonia/ammonium Soil microorganisms Nitrogen fixation Estimating nitrogen requirement Green manures Stakeholders in bread production Achieving quality – grain properties and management Managing a wheat for high protein Protein composition and quality Factors affecting protein composition in wheat Durum and bread wheat End-uses of Rape (Brassica napus) oils Canola quality Managing a canola for high oil What is a weed? Why are weeds a problem? How do herbicides work? Herbicide Mode of action Broad spectrum vs selective herbicides What is herbicide resistance? How can resistance be managed? What is the future of herbicides? Dormancy in seeds Seedbanks Seedbank management Integrated management How do you stop a weed from spreading? Diseases Disease triangle Septoria Triticic blotch (STB) Helicoverpa species Disease management in horticultural crops Pests Insecticides – old ones New generation insecticides Resistance management strategies (RMS) Biological control Pros and Cons of Biological control Importance of estimating yield Types of yield estimation Water use efficiency yield estimation Rain Deciles Limitations of the water use efficiency yield estimation Yield component analysis Simulation models Information about the grapevine Basic requirements for growing grapes The grapevine structure Phenological stages Yield components Vine spacing and row spacing Vineyard layout Determinants of yield Pruning Trellis grapevines Quality parameters in viticulture and winemaking Climate change and viticulture Adaptation for climate change Mitigation of climate change


Semester 2, 2020

58 pages

11,114 words



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