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Comprehensive notes for the Equity exam! Using these notes enabled me to achieve 83% on the exam in Semester 1 2021! The notes cover all essential topics for the exam including: - Fiduciary relationships and breach of fiduciary duty - Third Party Liability (Rule in Barnes v Addy) - Personal Equitable Remedies - Proprietary Remedies - Assignment of Property Rights in Equity NB: The topic of breach of confidence is not included in these notes as it was not examinable for the end of semester exam - Notes are organised in a coherent and logical manner with subheadings, bolding and tables. - All relevant cases from the reading guide are referenced and the important principles provided even those added to the reading guide in 2021! - Comprehensive case summaries provided in tables and divided up into facts, issue and key principles. - Notes include detailed templates (including introduction and conclusion) for all major topics. These templates allow for the particular facts in the scenario to be slotted into the sentences ensuring that time can be effectively spent identifying materials facts and formulating cogent arguments.


Semester 1, 2021

184 pages

61,585 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

March 2019