
Concise notes that covers all the content from both reading and lectures in key points, designed as supplementary notes for lectures. - Notes categorized based on key learning objectives presented within the subject -- all Short answer questions and long answer questions based off of these objectives - Detailed and condensed (only 36 pages) - Understanding of key points explained in paragraphs - Relevant concepts grouped together for easier understanding - Keywords in bold and subconcepts underlined I based my study off of these notes and scored H1. Topics covered includes all lectures: Introduction to the “awesomeness” of Virology Viral agents + Case study COVID-19 (Flip Class*) Structure and composition Attachment and entry RNA+ viruses: replication & cellular pathogenesis 1 RNA- viruses: replication & cellular pathogenesis 2 DNA viruses Viruses that reverse transcribe RNA to DNA HIV replication and pathogenesis Assembly and Exit Revision 1 Viral disease pathogenesis 1 Viral disease pathogenesis 2 Viral disease pathogenesis 3 Herpesvirus infections Hepatitis Viral chemotherapy (Antiviral drugs, HSV & HIV) Innate defence against viruses Nucleic acid activated viral defense pathways Bats as a source of zoonoses Viral evasion of adaptive immune responses Revision 2 Enteric viral infections HTLV-1 treatment/prevention (Flip Class)* Viral vectors - harnessing the viral machine Viral vaccines – existing and novel vaccines SARS vaccines (Flip Class*) Epidemiology and surveillance Flaviviruses Oncogenic viruses Spacesuit anyone?- viral outbreak and response. A Hypothetical meets Actual (Flip Class*) Revision 3


Semester 2, 2020

36 pages

29,453 words



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