BTCH30003 Notes (88)
Subject notes for UniMelb BTCH30003
Concise notes that covers all the content from readings, tutorials and lectures in key points, designed as condensed supplementary notes for lectures. - Targets all learning outcomes and lecture numbers under each section, merging relevant lectures into one section for continuous understanding - Detailed and condensed (only 10 pages) - Includes key points on all lectures I based my study entirely off of these notes and scored H1. Topics covered (not in order of lecture presentation but grouped based on key concepts): Section 1: Biotechnology Business starting, Business plan, Incubators and research hubs, Funding Business pitches. Section 2: Technology transfer, intellectual property IP strategy Licensing. Section 3: Entrepreneurship – venture capital Competitive intelligence. Section 4: Valuing the company Section 5: Generic drug development, Pharmaceuticals and regulation. Section 6: Regulating gene technology, Government and regulation in biotechnology.
Semester 1, 2020
10 pages
6,509 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
February 2018