
These notes include all lectures and readings from the required textbook Roderick Howe, Paul Sattler and Marissa Hood, Hayes & Eburn Criminal Law and Procedure in New South Wales (LexisNexis Butterworths, 6th ed, 2019) from weeks 1-13. Topics include: 1. Introduction to criminal justice: what is crime? 2. Principles of criminal responsibility 3. Summary offences 4. Homicide: murder and voluntary manslaughter 5. Homicide: involuntary manslaughter; assault causing death 6. Defences: self-defence, duress 7. Defences: mental illness, intoxication 8. Assault 9. Property Offences 10. Sexual Assault 11. Drug Offences 12. Extended criminal liability These notes are extremely extensive and detailed allowing me to achieve an overall mark of 80 for the semester.


Semester 2, 2020

74 pages

43,627 words



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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2020