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These notes summarise and synthesise Key ID Terms and Quotes from all of the required readings, lectures and tutorials of the classical literature of PPE 3. They were used in all of the weekly quizzes and the final exam where often the terms or ideas of the reading, the author and quotes needed to be identified or explained. The significance of each term and relation to the overall course is also included for every term. The highlighted sentences are pre-made sentences that can be used as a scaffold for exam answers when you’re stuck as to the significance or “why we study this” type questions (generic answers). Easy to follow with clear topic headings so you can quickly search under time pressure. These notes also help you connect ideas between weeks and pick up on key themes. They also compare and contrast between the ideas of interrelated thinkers such as Keynes and Hayek. At the end, tips and sample answers are given for the short answer exam questions, and the course content is thematically to create example questions and practice questions.


Semester 2, 2020

42 pages

13,189 words



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