
Comprehensive Equity and Trusts Law Case Summaries Essential for the Final Exam Easy to read and navigate in exam conditions Achieved a mark of 7 on the final exam, using these summaries Includes: Full case summaries for all prescribed and recommended cases All pertinent case facts, court decision and key case principles Contents: Undue Influence Unconscionable Bargains Confidential Information Fiduciary Duties, including Third Party Liability Equitable Estoppel Constructive Trusts: Unconscionable Denial of Beneficial Interests Equitable Monetary Remedies Equitable Personal Remedies: Specific Performance Equitable Personal Remedies: Injunctions Nature, Description and Classification of Trusts The Creation of Trusts: Capacity and the Three Certainties Requirements of Writing The Creation of Trusts: Complete Constitution Purpose Trusts – Trusts for Unincorporated Associations and Charitable Trusts Resulting Trusts, Void and Voidable Trusts Trusteeship: Capacity, Appointment and Removal of Trustees Trusteeship: Duties, Powers, Discretion and Rights of Trustees Beneficiaries Rights, Remedies and Defences for Breach of Trust


Semester 2, 2019

25 pages

9,292 words



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