
Super comprehensive but clear and concise notes for Constitutional Law from 2019, semester 2! The notes and cases are integrated for optimal reading and accessibility. Topics are structured in a way that is conducive to applying the theory and case law to a hypothetical - perfect for exams. INCLUDES handy issue spotting guide that is your go-to resource for hypos. If you like these, check out my other notes for 1st year JD subjects! TOPICS INCLUDE: Introduction to the Constitution Interpretation of the heads of federal legislative power External affairs power Corporations power Inconsistency of state and federal legislation Intergovernmental immunities Defences power Commonwealth executive power Separation of judicial powers Grants power Prohibition on the imposition of excise duties Freedom of interstate trade Freedom of political communication These notes are NOT within the definition of ‘assessment materials’ according the Melbourne Law School Assessment & Results Policy. They do not contain template style sections nor are they lecture transcripts. Therefore it is not a breach of s 42 of the Academic Board Regulation to purchase these notes.


Semester 2, 2019

119 pages

53,242 words



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