
Extremely exam friendly templates that are easy to navigate. Key details, such as salient facts, important judicial statements or tips from the chief examiner, are included to help secure that HD point. Colour-coded with symbols and tables to draw your attention in a time-pressured exam (see my sample notes). Precise and succinct. These notes achieved my HD score! Topic List: CLASS TEST NOTES Opening matter 1. Defamatory Matter 2. Refer to Plaintiff 3. Standing for Plaintiff to Sue 4. Has Defamatory Matter been Published EXAM NOTES 5. Defamation Defences A) Truth B) Fair Comment C) Absolute Privilege D) Qualified Privilege E) Triviality 6) Defamation Remedies 7. Breach of Confidence


Semester 1, 2019

80 pages

39,798 words



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Monash, Clayton

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March 2015