Corporations Law Extensive Exam Problem Question Notes for Final Exam LAWS2203 Scaffold, Cases & Legislation
Subject notes for ANU LAWS2203
FINAL EXAM PROBLEM QUESTION ANSWERING NOTES: Extensive notes, easy to follow layout with: - EXAM ANSWER SCAFFOLDING, - INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHS FOR EACH CRIME, - PRE-MADE & EXAMPLE SENTENCES, - CASE AUTHORITIES - LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITIES (Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)), - DEFINITIONS *Colour Coded for your convenience Content covered from Weeks 1-12 Sourced from lecture notes, readings, textbooks, research. I found it super useful for practicing for exams (and in the actual final exam itself for reference & guidance) as well as answering questions tutorials. Topics Include: - All the Director's Duties: - Statutory - Common Law - Defences - Public vs Proprietary Company - Registration of a Company - Public vs Proprietary Company - Corporate Constitution - Amendment to the Constitution - Replaceable Rules - Common Law Restrictions on altering the constitution. - Corporate Contracts - Pre-registration contracts - Indoor Management Rule - Corporate Decision Making - Classes of Shares - Procedure for variation of class rights - Challenging a class variation - Corporate Finance - Dividend Payment - Remedies - Criminal and Civil Penalties - Relief - Winding Up - Voluntary Administration - Insolvent Trading - Case (common law) Authorities - Corporations Act Legislative Authorities
Semester 1, 2020
94 pages
345,152 words
ANU, Acton
Member since
June 2018