
These notes are a basic overview on what was tested in the exam I did in 2019. Its not an entire overview. However it includes the following topics: * Definitions and info on; Health, Public health, Primary health care (selective and comprehensive), Ottawa charter, Social justice, Ecological fallacy * PHC Principles (definition and the principles with description) *Health promotion and the principles * Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention *Policy, strategy and initiatives *Social determinants of health *Health screening *Social capital and types *Community assessment (tools, goals, principles) *Health literacy (definition, promoting) *Infant development (Maternal factors and health promotions, physical development, motor development, psychosocial development - Erikson, Freud, Cognitive development - Paiget, Moral development, health risks, health assessments - Apgar score, DDST-II,) Developmental assessment guidelines * Health promotion for infants *Toddler Development (physical development, psychosocial development - Freud, Erikson, Cognitive development, moral development, spiritual development, health risks, developmental assessment guidelines, health promotion for toddlers *postnatal depression and factors contributing


Semester 1, 2019

9 pages

1,603 words



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