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These notes are a detailed overview of the unit. The topics are titles with either a number 1, 2, 3 or 4 Topics with the number 1 are most important and relevant to content in the exam and 4 is something you should keep in the back of your mind and just have a generalised understanding. in the sample notes Research model has a (2) next to it, indicating its something you should thoroughly understand. Topics included: * Regulatory authorities that impact on nursing * Critical thinking * Research models * Decision making * The clinical reasoning cycle and SMART goals * Reflection and reflective practice * Ethics and the biomedical principles * Duty of care * Consent and Trespass to the person * Nursing roles and the multidisciplinary team * Open disclosure and patient advocacy * Cultural awareness and competence in Nursing


Semester 1, 2018

17 pages

2,753 words



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