
These notes contain key summaries of each topic. They include the most comprehensive bare minimum summary of everything required, with the rule of each case and sentence summary of legislation sections where applicable. These notes are perfect for those who are feeling overwhelmed with study or just want to pass. However, for those high achievers, these notes paired with my "High Distinction ESSENTIAL Comprehensive Notes LAWS1012" in depth notes, are perfect for a reference point of quick revision to remind yourself of content within each topic ( notes to bring before an exam). Topics covered: - Trespass to the person (battery, assault, false imprisonment) - Action on the case for wilful injury - Statutory action for psychiatric injury to relatives of victims of intentional wrongs - Damages to intentional torts - Defences to intentional torts - Negligence: Duty of Care, Breach, Causation and Remoteness of Damage/Scope of Liability, Defences - Damages for negligence/ compensation for personal injuries - Vicarious Liability - Concurrent, joint and/or several liability for personal injury; contribution rights


Semester 2, 2019

17 pages

5,875 words


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