LAWS2011 Federal Constitutional Law - Problem Q Scaffold, Essay Discussion Summary & Case-law Fact Summaries
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2011
These notes contain: 1. Problem question scaffold (with wording that may be directly inserted into problem questions) 2. Essay Discussion Points (perfect for the essay component of the final exam) 3. Case-law fact summaries (quick snapshots of case law for reference). The topics covered in these notes include: A. Intro; Distribution of Power; Interpretation & External Affairs Power B. Inconsistency (s 109) C. Interpretation; Characterisation; Incidental Power; Severance D. Corporations Power (s 51(xx)) E. Freedom of Interstate Trade F. Taxation & Grants G. Defence Power H Implied Freedom of Political Communication I. Intergovernmental Immunities
Semester 1, 2019
61 pages
25,540 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2015
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