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This table is a useful tool in providing you with easy to recall examples to draw on in the final oral exam. One of the marking criteria talks about the use of examples to support your answers for students wanting to achieve a D or HD on the final exam. I've done all of the work so you don't have to! I would highly recommend using these as a study tool to prepare you for the oral exam. I have also included a blank table for you to test your recall (which I did up to 10 times before the exam to ensure I retained the information). Topics covered: Smith and Colgate values Total product concept Ansoff's matrix Porter's generic strategies Contingency planning 6 steps Standards of performance Piercy mission Alsem mission Segmentation/Segments/Target audience Levels of competition CSF's SWOT Strategy vs Opportunity Fuchs positioning Alsem positioning Positioning to Marketing mix Strategy vs Tactic 4 p's TOWS


Semester 2, 2019

9 pages

1,144 words



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