
These notes include all topics from weeks 1-12 which are the topics that were examined in the exam for Semester 1 2020. They also include snippets of summarised and paraphrased information from the textbook. They are designed to give you a summarised overview of the unit in its entirety, and prepare you to achieve exceptional results in the exam. These can be used to self-formulate your own questions in preparation for the exam, or they can be used as the notes relied upon in the open book exam (due to COVID-19). If you require a summary on the key points from this unit, as opposed to an overview, check out my other notes for this unit. The topics covered are: 1. Introduction to retailing 2. Retail Strategy 3. The structure of the retail industry 4. Targeting consumers and gathering information 5. Locating the store 6. Managing a retail business 7. Retail Pricing 8. Retail Technology 9. Retail buying 10. In-store promotion and communication 11. Strategic integration, experiential retailing, retail brands 12. Trends in retailing


Semester 1, 2020

85 pages

32,543 words



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