
Don’t want to spend your time reading these long, boring journal articles? Want to save time on lectures, tutorial and note-taking? Finding concepts or readings difficult? These are the notes for YOU. I was able to use these notes to achieve one of the top marks in my cohort. These notes also ended up being helpful for me in writing the personal reflections in the IPP unit that you might also choose to undertaken in your degree. It summarises all the course content into merely 41 pages. That’s all you need to do well in this course! ✓ Good investment, as it also can be used for an IPP unit if you take it ✓ Succinct, concise, and easy to understand with digestable formatting ✓ Summarises all journal article readings Get these notes now and help yourself in BUSS2000 :) TOPICS COVERED Week 2 — Introduction to Individual Differences Week 3 — Motivation and Goal-Setting Week 4 — Introduction to Career Goals, Values and Ethics Week 6 — Introduction to Diversity and Culture Week 7 — Introduction to Team and Group Processes Week 8 — Introduction to Managing Perceptions Week 9 — introduction to Leading and Influencing Others Week 10 — Leadership, Power and Influence Week 11 — Communication and Feedback Week 12 — Introduction to Career Sustainability: Managing Relationships and Stress


Semester 1, 2022

42 pages

21,426 words



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