
This unit is fantastic. It's easy and logical (for the most part). I've condensed it down into 15 easy pages (that's less than per week!) to the most barebones content - my 90% average in this unit using these notes alone speaks to the range of content they cover - not enough to get 100 but memorize it and you'll HD for sure. Lectures covered: Unit introduction & Basic Steps in EBP 1 Unit introduction & Basic Steps in EBP 2 Types and levels of evidence Hierarchy of evidence Systematic reviews and meta-analyses Confounding and bias in research Introduction to ethics in research Ethics in animal studies Introduction to survey research design and data collection Diagnostic screening and testing Biostatistics 1 Biostatistics 2 Measures of association Measuring the occurrence of disease Biostatistics 3 Common pitfalls in research Reviewing papers in health Review of a preventative trial Qualitative and mixed methods research 1 Qualitative and mixed methods research 2 Influencing healthcare and policy through epidemiological research 1 Influencing healthcare and policy through epidemiological research 2 Bench to bedside - clinical focus


Semester 1, 2019

15 pages

2,928 words



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UWA, Crawley

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February 2015