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All lectures except stats and poster (can't cover 3002 stats in notes, if you need help see your tutor) - All relevant diagrams from lectures included - All relevant vocal explanations included - not just copied lecture slides Lecture Topics 3 - Control of Ventilation 4 - Respiratory Reflexes 6 - Cardiac Ion Channels 7 - Cardiac Arrythmia 8 - Inotropy 9 - Cardiac Loads 10 - Venous Return 11 - Vascular Reactivity 12 - Endothelial Function 13 - Hypoxia 14 - CO2 transport and Acid/Base Metabolism 15 - Gas Exchange 16 - High Altitude 17 - Animal Use 18 - Shock 19 - Gravity 20 - 3 Chambered Heart 21 - Airway Smooth Muscle 22 - Respiratory Diseases 23 - Airway Hyperresponsiveness 24 - Avian Ventilation


Semester 1, 2018

60 pages

9,214 words



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UWA, Crawley

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February 2015