
Extremely detailed notes that I used in the exam to get an overall mark of 80-HD. These notes would be useful for the assignment as well. This subject is content heavy, hence the extra long exam notes. I have included a table of contents at the beginning of the notes as well as at the beginning of each topic to make navigating through these notes easy during the exam! Good luck :) Topics covered are: 1. Intestate succession 2. Wills and will making 3. Mental requirements for will making 4. Statutory Wills 5. Execution requirements 6. Exceptions to formal requirements 7. Changing a will 8. Interpretation of wills 9. Gifts by will 10. Family provision 11. Personal representative 12. Grants of representation 13. Functions of duties of personal representatives 14. Powers, rights, and liabilities of personal representatives.


Semester 2, 2018

153 pages

58,314 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

January 2017

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